A day out
Well, I've finally gotten around to getting my engagement ring fixed. Took long enough!
My MIL watched Erica for a little while yesterday so that I could run some errands. One of my stops was to a jewelers. I also had various stores to visit to return purchased things that I decided I didn't want.
Tomorrow, I'm taking Erica to the mall in order to have her pictures taken. I have some coupons for The Picture People, and I love the work they do: I've never had a visit where the pictures turned out to be lousy.
I was thinking of going out somewhere today, but decided against it. With the activity yesterday and again tomorrow, I thought Erica and I could use a day off.
My daughter is so cute lately. She's talking a lot. A LOT! And we've been playing lots of games & things together. She has a new play-doh set with molds of food. We make grilled cheese sandwhiches and she cooks them in her play-kitchen. Really cute.
She loves playing with her Little People toyset also. She has a whole castle set, and loves putting the people in their horses.
And, I have a CD with kids' games. In fact, she just came running down at this momment, begging "I wanna play games!"
Buh Bye!
I'm glad you got it fixed! :)
I'm getting some mommy time this weekend. I can't wait!!!
Ahhh...go play with her...
I love when they start talking...Well until they turn about 5..then not so much..
Looks like you've been pretty busy for some time now!! There are molds for grilled sandwich? Thats surprising! :)
Howz your new blog template coming up?
crazy working mom- have fun this weekend!
becky, mom, mommy, hey you- Yup, been playing a lot lately.
raj- the new template is getting set up. it'll look good!
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