Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ah, the things they'll say

First, I apologize for being gone so long. And for not getting pictures put up. The time's just getting past me I guess. I'm still all tired and out-of-it; taking my iron supplement pills aren't helping at all. This is not fun at all.


To my daughter. She says the funniest thing sometimes. I must share one. Actually, it was rather rude, but so hillarious.

We were at a store buying iced tea for Andrew. [I can't stand the stuff.] It was our turn up to the counter, and Erica turned to the guy behind us and waved her finger at him. She told him: "Its our turn, NOT yours." After hearing that, I bent down and hushed her. She looked up at me and said: "I'm not talking to you; I'm talking to him."

[Update: I finally did get some pictures of the Baltimore trip added on the previous post.]


Burgh Baby said...

She has a point, you know. People really should learn to take turns.

Anonymous said...

That was funny! :D

And you don't like iced tea? I really like it.

Latoya said...

That is one of the things I enjoy about children -- they say whatever is on their mind and it is so innocent...

Nice pics from Baltimore you have here.

I like the new site and header -- very nice and cute.

Corinne said...

OMG-that's hilarious!!

Abigail S said...

Very cute :) I miss that little girl. Gosh, I need to come over sometime. She's getting so big!