Deck the Halls [Pict #2 and 3]
Oops, forgot to add my 'advent' picture for December 2nd. So Here's two to go along with my theme.We decorated! Okay, well we'd done a lot of it previously. But we just put the tree up on Saturday! Okay, I put the tree up. I went out to buy it by myself. Had to go to a few different places, b/c we wanted just a baby-tree to go in our front window. [Picture to come soon.]
Finally found one. Do you know how expensive trees are?!?! I was shocked to see how many were $40 or more! Our little one was only $12, which I was happier with.
Erica went with me to the last tree farm. It was so cold, poor girl. We didn't have her gloves, so she wore mine. Quite a funny site. She wanted a 'horsey ride,' aka a hay ride so we did that. It was fun, but cold.
It took me quite awhile to set the thing up. I had to cut off a few lower branches, and Andrew's shears [is that what they're called?] aren't really very sharp, so it took a long time. Out in the cold. Brrr.
Finally got it standing up straight, then had to find the lights! And to my dismay, they weren't all working! I have one strand that only one-half of it works, so that's what I used on the tree. The unlit half is just on the floor. [Is that a fire-hazard? They're not lit up.]
Even if they aren't working, the lights are a fire hazard. Don't ask why I know that, I just do.
Yay for Christmas decorating!
I love your Christmas blog...and good for you for expanding on the meme....I will look forward to checking it for the decorating...I have been doing it for a couple of days...with hubbies bad shoulder he couldn't do the lights so this year I had to do the outdoor lights...holy cow...then came the cedar boughs around the doors....and inside I doubled my decorations....we haven't even put up the tree yet....we go and cut our's down in the woods near us...we could actually cut them off of our property but hubby says we need to go up the mountain so that is what we do..that will happen sometime this week....I can hardly wait...
burgh baby's mom-- oops, I'll have to take care of that then
smalltown rn- decorating can be difficult
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