Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A new refridgerator!

yes, we got a new fridge! yippee! its black, which is pretty neat.

And it matches nicely with my cow-themed kitchen. yes, i have cow figurines in my kitchen. Yes, maybe its cheezy. I dont even like real cows. they're dirty and yucky. [i saw one pee once and it grossed me out.] But i like little decorations of them. In my picture to the right, you can see my new fridge, and some cow stuff. [sorry; the flash on my camera left a big light spot on the fridge.]

So, monday i was busy emptying out the rest of the food and putting it into big coolers w/ ice. And of course, erica wanted to help. SHE ACTUALLY DID! she was taking things off of the bottom shelf and carrying it over to the cooler. Then she'd drop it in and go back to the fridge for something else. it was really really cute.

Swim class was cancelled monday, which was GREAT because i had all that work to do in the kitchen. as much as i LOVE the class, i cant wait for it to be over! weekends are so rushed and busy; so when monday comes, the last thing i want to do is get erica dressed in a bathing suit and run out the door to the fitness place. When the class is next offered, if i sign up i'm gonna pick another day. Its just been crazy.

The picture to the left has no huge significance to any of my stories. I just thought it was cute. she lookes kinda preppy.


Tom said...

I love new fridges, I just wish we would have gotten a bigger one when we got ours. Do you have an ice maker? I was too lazy to hook up one so I passed on that luxury!

Crazy Me said...

I want a new fridge. I'm jealous!!! Wahhhhhhhh ......

Akanksha said...

awwww.. she does look preppy and she looks all grown up.. :)

Abigail S. said...

Awww! Erica looks all grown up! How precious!