Thursday, May 14, 2009


I bid a sad fare-thee-well to my sister... Who is at this very momment driving to Georgia.

Yesterday, she and I spent the day together. It was nice. (I love my daughter, but...) It was good to be just Abby and me. Erica spent the day with my MIL.

In other news: Erica and I spent the morning decorating her room. She wanted it to be fancy, cuz her fav books now are 'Fancy Nancy.'

also... I've discovered how to use the internet on my cell. (which I'm doing now.) Its not easy though, cuz I dont have a fancy Blackberry or anything But I'm exploring the possibilities.

Well, adios for now!

1 comment:

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Why is she going to Georgia? Sister time (with no kiddos) is GREAT! I think I might need some with mine. :)