Monday, October 27, 2008

"But I don't have my Debit Card"

I've been gone so long, and so much has happened. It's terrible that I've been so absent.


Wednesday was my birthday... and Abby's too. So we went to a restaurant called "Shady Maple" for breakfast. Its free on your birthday. Abby, Erica, and I went together. It was yummy.

Before we left home, Erica had found a quarter. I told her to bring it along, b/c I knew the place had a gift store and probably had some cheap-o things for kids. Sure enough, they had a rack of candies for a quarter. She picked something out, I gave her the quarter, walked her to the cashier, and said "You can pay for it."

And what did she say to me? "But I don't have my debit card."

The cashier and I had a good laugh at that. I guess I don't use cash enough that she didn't know the quarter was to pay with.

Oh goodness.


Kristi said...

Isn't it funny how quickly they pick up on things like that? The other day when Aaron wanted to go buy something I told him I didn't have any money and he told me to put that card into the machine and it will give me some. I just wish it were that easy.

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's just too cute.

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way... hardly ever have cash on me. It's terrible, especially when I need it for a parking meter or something.

For me, it's my trusty Chase Freedom card that I've never paid a cent in interest on, but that PAID ME $250 the other day for cash back on purchases. "Oh Chase Freedom, how I love thee!" (giggle :)

Anonymous said...

This sounds like my kids! Too funny. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like my kids! Too funny. Thanks for sharing.