I'm back! I made a snack!
[Erica has a book called "A Splendid Friend Indeed." Great book for kids to read about making friends. ANYWAY, one line in it is "I'm back! I made a snack!"]
I've been absent for awhile. Is it already Thursday???
I recently pitched my computer and now have a laptop. Its great; but I'm still getting used to it. This keyboard is especially tricky to get the hang of. So, I apologize for any typos. I'll try to do spellcheck.
Have you noticed the moon this week? Yes, it is a full moon. I didn't even have to look up to tell; my daughter's changed behavior was proof enough. Example: I had her at Walmart Tuesday night. Normally shopping is eventful, but not terrible. Well, she was going crazy. She was stomping around [yes, stomping] and grunting like she was possessed. It was just horrible, horrible, horrible! When we left and came out to the parking lot, I looked up in the sky, and indeed the moon was perfectly round.
It's been a difficult week, to say the least. I'm trying to be a bit lenient and not be too hard on her, but its difficult.
Hmm, it took me sometime to get used to the laptop keyboard too. I always got confused between "End" and "Del".
I am not sure about the full moon causing people to behave differently. Probably because I have never observed any changes in people around that time :)
Might explain some behaviors at work...stupid moon.
Hey there! And, yes, the moon does crazy things to little munchkins!! Mine included! Hope your weekend goes well!
Hope you have a great weekend!
I too recently pitched my computer and now use the laptop full time. I do like that it takes up very little space. In the nexy year or two the goal is to get a new Dell laptop, as Rob gets discounted Dells through his company. :o)
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