Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Makeup Monday returns!

Once upon a time, I began "Makeup Mondays." Just my way of catching up from the weekend: Posting my recent endeavors and also visiting other blogs.

So, today is Makeup Monday. OOPS! It's Tuesday. Hmmm... Makeup Tuesday doesnt work as well. I guess I'll just pretend that its Monday.

Occurences since my last post:
-Friday was a busy day. I drove up to my SIL's house to visit, and so Erica got to play with her two cousins. It was a nice time. Then I dropped Erica off at my MIL's house. On my way home, I decided to stop at Target. I had a bit too much fun shopping.

-While the in-laws watched Erica, Andrew and I had time to celebrate our anniversary. We went out to a movie and then to dinner. It was nice and relalxing.

-Saturday morning, my brother and his wife, 2 children stopped by our house. It was great fun! I don't get to see them as often b/c they live in Delaware. They were here a bit over 3 hours. Erica really liked playing with her cousins.

-Saturday night, Andrew got together w/ some guy friends to play hockey. So I got together w/ some gal friends for dinner. Of course, I had to take Erica along though. But it was an adventure. We went to a Chinese buffet in Lancaster. No, Erica did not eat sushi.

-Sunday was also crazy. I drove out to my parents' house w/ Erica for a family gathering. [Andrew had previous commitments.] We had a great time there, but since Erica didnt take a nap it made the car ride there a bit tedious. I decided to stay the night there, b/c its an hour drive home, and people didnt start leaving until after nine.

-Unfortunately, Monday morning Erica woke up at SIX AM!!! Ugh. We stayed long enough to have breakfast w/ my mom before she left for work, and then we left too. I should have stayed longer. I was SOOOO tired. I truly was afraid I was gonna fall asleep while driving. But, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for coffee and that saved the day.

-Monday night, Andrew had a baseball game. Erica and I went to watch. Its always fun, b/c there are other kids there for Erica to play with. But it was SOOOO hot. Besides that though, it was a good night. Andrew scored two of the runs.

UGH! Erica is starting to wake up. Hmm... my plans of 'Makeup Monday' may be thwarted. I'll try my best to visit other blogs though.


Special K ~Toni said...

Target is addicting like crack! I didn't even know you had a brother, how weird is that? Were you and A mean evil twins to him growing up?

Sounds like you have been extremely busy! Happy Anniversary & here's to a peaceful remaining week!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Sounds like quite an eventful weekend. What movie didja see?

節約ママ said...

Happy anniversary! Wow, you have been very busy....

Crazy Me said...

Happy Anniversary! I love going out to the movies and to dinner. I'm jealous!

Ahmed said...

I read the post title and I was like oh...a post about makeup...not exactly my cup of tea....but I kept reading and was pleasantly surprised :P

Sounds like you had a fun weekend. What movie did you see?

Becky L said...

Thanks for the comments everyone!

toni- yup, extrememly addicting

crazy working mom- we went to see Fantastic Four. Not my #1 choice, but we went to a small local place that only has two theatres in it, so the choices were limited

hipmommy- extremely busy!

crazy me- awe, didnt mean to make you jealous

ahmed- LOL. Actually, thats why I started calling it makeup monday, b/c of the seeming correlation to makeup

Abigail S said...

~Toni~ Becky and Tim fought like crazy! (Sorry to oust you, Becks!) I was a perfect sister!