Tuesday, January 17, 2006

a very very BLA day [updated]

i'm feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated. what a bad combination.

[i'm not one to normally think that weather affects someone's mood... but, it is dreary and yucky out. very overcast; cold; windy; drizzling rain which may turn to ice or snow. bla...]

[1:05 pm]
So, i actually decided to do something. but i wanted to start off with something small and fun. I decided to work on organizing picture albums. [i recently got photo albums for presents.] None of the pictures from when we were married until erica was born were put in albums. [approx 1 and 3/4 yrs]
So, i went to get them... THEY'RE ALL MISSING!!!! ALL OF THEM!!! i only have about two dozen from when i was pregnant. They must have gotten lost when we moved in April...
I think i'm gonna go cry now...


Becky L said...

i'm such a huge liar. i'm sorry...
i just found them. they're all in a big box. i hadnt checked in it, cuz i have ANOTHER box that looks just like it, and i knew "dating memories" was in that one. thank goodness i checked. [now, the question is, what did i do with the dating box?]
i think i'm going to go sing the Allelluia Chorus now.

Tom said...

You are crazy! Have you done scrapbooking with your photos yet? I don't know what they call it exactly, my wife and her friends take weekends and go up to a cabin and cut and paste photos with cutesy backgrounds and stylish formats. I like the plain photo album myself.

Crazy Me said...

I am a total creative scrapbooker. I LOVE my photo albums and spend hours on them. It's a great way to get a little creative and preserve your memories.

Lindsey said...

OH NO....Oh wait. I realize that you found them. Okay...crisis averted.