Wednesday, December 14, 2005

YES, i want some cheese with my whine!


so, i wrote this long old nasty post.

then i read Michaela's blog.

thank you for your insights.

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I will, however, tell you some of what's been going on, my thoughts, moods, feelings, etc.
First of all, i have this weird stomach pain. thats random, i know.
For a long while, i was feeling extremely depressed. Post partum stuff? --maybe. Most likely just life situational things. I was feeling much better for a few days. Now i'm depressed again. i wish it would go away. wouldnt that be nice?
-- Like, that commercial for some cell phone group. This guy in an office has two voodoo dolls and says that one is for huge overages and the other for roaming. Then, he says he's gonna make one for loneliness. ... Yeah, that would be nice.
Things arent helped any by the fact that somethings wrong w/ erica. not sure what... Well, right now she's tearing up my basement. grrr. she actually figured out how to get the CD to come out of my computer. Anyway, she's all snotty. its gross. Tonight, she screamed and screamed.

Our car died. yeah.... .... .. .. Life is gonna be interesting now.

i've been going thru Blog-withdrawal. Which is partially why i'm writing so much now.
I APPOLOGIZE to those of you that i normally read and comment to. I've just been so busy.

i think i'll go cry.


Becky L said...

i'm trying to change my profile pict.

not sure what i think

what i think is... i need sleep!

Mr Jordy said...

Sometimes taking brakes from the internet and blogs and all that is good. Focusing on the self is a great way for self improvement.

Raj said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Tom said...

Depression is a bummer. It's like a cloud hanging over your head. Being at home with a baby is a big job. Take some time for you, get a massage, lunch or dinner with friends, go for a walk. Hang in there!

Abigail S. said...

Becky- you look just like me in that new picture! It's kinda creepy!

Don't be sad... Just think about how awesome I am, and that will make you happy!

Gimme a call sometime.

Crazy Me said...

Love the new pic. Hope you get to feeling better soon.