Saturday, August 20, 2005

it was a SPLASH!

well, we got home from our vacation to Chincoteague Island. It was quite a splash!

the first few days were nasty in the ocean. the waves were ruff cuz of the storm out at sea. but towards the end, it calmed down. and it was great fun.

erica, however, was not a fan at all. the noise and the cold water scared her so much. it didnt help any that her first encounter with the ocean water was a bit SPLASH! it scared her mightily.

but, she loved the pool. THANK GOODNESS! so, after each trip to the beach, we went to the hotel pool. she loved it.

more later. time to REST and recouperate from vacation. (does that make sense?)


Anonymous said...

WOW, those are some fine looking legs! Hey Beckie and Andrew. Welcome home from vacation. I hope your recuperation goes nicely. I guess you drove to NC (or is it SC?)? Thanks for the email the other week. I am really bad at staying in touch with friends. I'll try and write soon. Take care.

Becky L said...

actually, chincoteague is virginia. ... i'll give andrew your new blog-site; he'll enjoy reading what you write

Abigail S. said...

Your daughter is so precious!

... Though I do have to disagree with Andy when he says those are fine legs... But then, I'm obligated to think my brother-in-law's legs are not "fine."

On the flip side, Erica's pudgy legs are so adorable! What a cutie!