New Pictures
[Just a quick question-- Does anyone have trouble viewing my new blog template? Its coming up perfectly on my computer. But when I used Hubby's computer, the sidebar was all the way at the bottom. Hmmm...]
Also, seeing as today is September 11th, I'd like to direct your attention to some essays at Cathy's Place. She's holding a contest for the 'best' essay. [I have one there too. If you feel so led to vote for me, that would be swell.] Bloggers were challenged to reflect on how events of Sept 11, '01 affected their lives. What I wrote there is totally true: I probably wouldn't be married or have a child if those plane crashes never happened. [Did I pique your interest? You'll have to go read my essay, b/c I'm not gonna repost it here.]
So, I've really been 'out-of-it' lately. I'm not sure what the deal is. Its starting to bug me; and I'm getting all hypochondriac about it, thinking I must have some life-altering disease or something. I'd tell you my symptoms, but that may be a tad-bit TMI.
Your daughter is so darn cute!
Thanks for including that link to Just Another Quick Question...
Especially since we have a new template there!!
Your site is loading fine for me. :)
Looks good to me!
Erica is growing up!
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